Ingredients2 cups cooked dark lentils 1 medium aubergine 2 medium carrot2<a name=\'more\'></a> medium tomatoes1 large white sweet onion 2 garlic cloves, minced 2tbs olive oil few springs of thymesea salt , pepper loosely packed cup of mixed chopped herbs (dill, parsley, coriander, chives)juice of 1 lemon Hummus to serveMethodPreheat the oven to 180C. Cut the aubergine, carrots and onions and tomatoes into cubes. Put them into a large bowl, add minced garlic, thyme, sea salt, pepper and a spoon of olive oil. Mix well and spread it on a baking sheet. Bake it for 20-30 minutes until slightly browned on the edges and the carrots are soft. In a large bowl mix the cooked lentils with grilled vegetables, add the herbs and the remaining olive oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper add a squeeze of lemon if you like.Serve it with Hummus or tahini and warm bread.