If you need help getting your finances in order or learning the basics of budgeting, you might consider seeking the help of a financial coach. A financial coach is different from other financial professionals. They spend more time helping their clients understand the fundamentals of finances, rather than recommending investments and managing portfolios like financial advisors. Read on to learn more about financial coaches, what they do and how to become one
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Financial coaches work with their clients over the period of several weeks. Often, they meet with clients weekly or biweekly to provide advice and check on progress. The full process consists of a number of steps. The first step is building awareness around spending habits, usually by tracking daily, weekly and monthly spending. The next step is defining the client’s financial goals, whether it’s setting a budget, creating an emergency fund or paying off debt. A financial coach will help clients develop plans to achieve their goals, then act as an accountability partner as clients enact their plans. Ultimately, after six to 12 months, clients should have improved their financial literacy and be well on their way to achieving their financial goals.
[/p][p]You don’t need to have thousands of dollars in assets to work with a financial coach. In fact, most clients are in debt, have little in savings and have poor spending habits.
Perhaps you’ve tried to make a budget, but just can’t stick to it. Maybe you make enough money, but can’t figure out how to build an emergency savings fund. Or maybe you have so much debt between credit cards and loans that you don’t know the best way to pay it off.
A financial coach can help you structure your budget, build a financial plan and hold you accountable throughout the process. Often, clients have deep-seated emotions around money. Financial coaches help their clients to identify, understand and work through those emotions.
In general, you would turn to a financial coach for help saving money and a financial advisor for help investing and growing money. A financial coach works with clients who have few assets and need general financial help. A financial advisor works with clients who need help managing and investing their assets. An advisor provides options for developing an investment portfolio to build wealth for their clients to meet future financial goals. They typically charge their fees based on a percentage of asset under management, as opposed to coaches who typically charge a flat retainer fee. Advisors often require a minimum asset level to begin service.
Another important difference is that financial coaches are not licensed to provide financial advice like advisors are, and therefore cannot provide specific product recommendations. Coaches can provide basic advice on the concept of investing, but they cannot recommend how to allocate your assets. They can suggest saving money in a high-interest savings account, but they can’t recommend a particular account.
Coaching also differs from advising in that coaching tends to be a limited time arrangement, with the goal of helping the client to achieve financial literacy and learn to manage their own finances. Advising, on their other hand, is an ongoing relationship in which the advisor meets with their client once or twice a year and continually manages their financial portfolio for them.
Financial coaching doesn’t require any official licenses, so technically anyone interested can become a financial coach. There is, however, an expectation that a financial coach will have some sort of financial expertise. There are formal training programs available, such as the accredited financial counselor certification offered by the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education.
If you decide you want to help others improve their financial literacy and become a financial coach, there are several steps you must take, starting with the typical self-employment steps. You must form an LLC, get a federal tax ID number, open a business bank account and set up a professional website.
Then, you have to decide how you want to run your coaching service. How often do you want to meet with clients, and for how long? How much will you charge? What sort of clients are you looking for, and what expertise do you have to offer? Once you answer these questions, you’ll have the ethos of your practice, and you can begin finding clients. You may decide to work first with friends and neighbors to refine and structure your plan. Then, when you think you’re ready, you can find your first client.
[/p][p]A financial coach works to educate their clients on the basics of personal finance and build their financial literacy. They work with people who need help making budgets, paying down debt and creating a livable financial plan. Their goal is to empower their clients to make smart financial decisions and take responsibility for their choices. A financial coach is not licensed to give specific investment advice, which makes them different from financial advisors. If you’re interested in becoming a financial coach, consider pursuing a counselor certification and building your personal knowledge base.
Photo credit: ©iStock.com/eclipse_images, ©iStock.com/Wavebreakmedia, ©iStock.com/shironosov
Danielle Klimashousky Danielle Klimashousky is a freelance writer who covers a variety of personal finance topics for SmartAsset. She is an expert on topics including credit cards and home buying. Danielle has a BA in English from Wesleyan University.