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31-05-2021 04:59 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-05-2021
رقم العضوية : 7
المشاركات : 9754
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 40

In this article we\'ll show you 9 pictures of animals with scary teeth 1- the squid has human teeth a98432_teeth_1 Can you imagine the squid has teeth look like human teeth This type of squid has these teeth, But not as scary as it looks, These teeth are actually just false teeth , as it is in fact a lips. <a name=\'more\'></a> 2- The Jawless Animal a98432_Teeth_2 This animal won the “Sharpest Teeth of All Time” Award The prehistoric type of animals that roamed the Earth about one million years ago, This animal was the length of 2 inches, scientists do not know a lot about this animal,but It\'s great that they went extinct a very long time ago . The picture above is a scanning electron micrograph of the condont\'s teeth 3- The Dragonfish a98432_Teeth_3 These fish have two types of teeth , sharp plain type and other type grows on the tongue Although it’s Frightening a ppearance ,but it’s zise about h alf feet. 4- The Prehistoric Shark a98432_Teeth_42 This type of sharks roamed the Earth\'s oceans in prehistoric times,it’s had ateeth that half feet in length. 5- The Animal With The Most Teeth And The Least Limbs a98432_teeth_5 Snails always have more teeth than any other animal , and possibly up to thousands, but not in the sense that we understand it \'s teeth, since all these teeth do not help them to chew food. These teeth become sharp and fall and are replaced. 6- Fish can Rip in seconds a98432_teeth_6 It\'s the famous piranhas in the Amazon River , has the ability to tear up a cow in seconds , which owns three sharp teeth unusual. 7- The Venomous Snakes a98432_teeth_7 These snakes have sharp fangs and venom store launched by the time of the attack on the victim. 8- Whales have hair in place of teeth a98432_teeth_8 As the picture of this whale has teeth in her mouth like a hair. 9- The Sheepshead Has Human-Like Teeth On The Roof Of Its Mouth a98432_teeth_9 These fish are common in North America and targeted by fishermen,These fish have human-like teeth, it also has a row of teeth over their mouths. https://archive.janatna.com/

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animals ، with ، Strange ، teeth ،

الساعة الآن 09:11 PM