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31-05-2021 04:59 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-05-2021
رقم العضوية : 7
المشاركات : 9754
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 40

tfDk_IeeW-n2yyp6xlutyMP7x8BBXrceYk5UjFfV87GY05NHdbApUNt7D4QEdRhOAw%253Dw720-h310The Simpsons™: Tapped Out - Again Simson ! In this entertaining strategtt Homer Simpson accidentally created a reactor explosion, destroying the entire Springfield . Our goal is to <a name=\'more\'></a>completely rebuild Springfield. Fully immersed in the urban development strategy , have built up their own vibrant city. The strategy HD graph with user-friendly interface and high-quality sound. In the game you need to connect to the Internet. Saving the game is not supported on various devices (each with its containment). Supported Android (4.1 and up) Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0 - 4.0.4),Jelly Bean (4.1 - 4.3.1),KitKat (4.4 - 4.4.4),Lollipop (5.0 - 5.1.1),Marshmallow (6.0 - 6.0.1),Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.1),Oreo (8.0-8.1), Pie(9.0) Download The Simpsons™: Tapped Out v 4.37.6 APK + Hack MOD (money)the-simpsons-tapped-out-v4.37.6.apkhttps://archive.janatna.com/

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الساعة الآن 12:32 AM